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Several common types of air purification explained in detail

Several common types of air purification explained in detail

I. Photocatalytic method

When the air passes through the photocatalytic purification equipment, the photocatalyst itself is not changed, but it can promote the harmful substances in the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, etc.
under the effect of photocatalysis changes, gradually degraded into non-toxic and harmless substances, and the bacterial pollution in the air will also be removed by ultraviolet light, the air can be purified in many aspects.
But the shortcomings of this equipment are that the need for the air flow rate is relatively low, the speed of purification is relatively slow, and there is a certain radiation hazard to the human body, which has been gradually eliminated in a way.

II, formaldehyde removal agent

This product uses chemical substances and formaldehyde for the role of chemical reaction to achieve the purpose of removing formaldehyde and purifying the air.

III, the chemical reaction class

Here refers to the technology that can react chemically with formaldehyde to produce carbon dioxide and water, such as ammonia, etc.

IV, the biological category

As the name implies, this is the use of biological agents that can react with formaldehyde, such as urea, soy protein, amino acids, etc.

V, closed class

This product is made of film-forming substances, in the corresponding place to form a film to stop the release of formaldehyde, but the shortcomings of this method are to treat the symptoms but not the root cause, the harmful gas is still likely to be released again.

VI, negative ion method

This method uses the hydroxyl ions combined with the harmful gases in the air, which can restore the pollutants from the atmosphere, nitrogen oxides, etc. to produce active oxygen, to reduce the harm of pollution to the human body so that the air is purified.