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Selection options for hepa box

Selection options for hepa box

1. Hepa box with diffuser plate 
The diffusion holes are generally 8 mm in diameter and the diffuser is convex and has a good diffusion effect on the clean airflow.

2. Hepa box with flat diffuser 
This type of air supply has a diffuser plate with an inclined slit hepa box at the periphery of the plane and a group of round holes with a diameter of approx.
3 mm in the middle.
According to practical measurements and studies, mixing and diffusion is not as effective as with diffuser plates.
The hepa box is very good and therefore this outlet should not be used in the design of purified air conditioning projects. 

3. Insulated hepa box Non-insulated hepa box 
In clean rooms, the supply air temperature in summer is lower than the room temperature, while the supply air temperature in winter is usually higher than the room temperature.
It is therefore necessary to heat the walls of the air supply outlets to ensure that the air supply parameters meet the design requirements.

3.1 The insulated hepa box is made by pasting a compliant insulation material to the inner wall of the static pressure box of the high-efficiency filter outlet and then covering the outer surface of the insulation with a thin material of galvanized steel to prevent the insulation material from spreading powder. 

3.2 Currently, certain hepa boxes on the market are not affixed with insulation and are not insulated.
This type of hepa box does not meet the required air supply parameters and has a high cold (heat) losses and wastes energy.
This hepa box should be used.
Of course, if you have purchased this hepa box, it can be covered with 0.3 mm galvanized sheeting.
The insulation material is preferably rubberized plastic. 

4. Upper air inlet and side air inlet 

4.1 These two types of air inlets are widely used in engineering 
The upper air inlet and outlet require a large installation space, i.e. there should be a large space above the ceiling, and the airflow from the inlet should be better dispersed in the static pressure box.
This supply air inlet is suitable for new buildings or high-rise buildings.

 4.2 Side inlets and outlets 
The inlet air needs to be transferred in the static pressure box and has less diffusion performance than the upper air inlet, but requires less installation space.
Ceiling mezzanines can be installed up to 800mm high, which is ideal for low-rise buildings and particularly suitable when converting existing buildings to clean rooms.
However, the inlet flange should be removable otherwise it cannot be installed in the ceiling mounting holes.