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Selection of air purification equipment must pay attention to the problem details

Selection of air purification equipment must pay attention to the problem details

     As our quality of life continues to improve, a variety of efficient air purification equipment in our lives has been very much in use, so we must pay attention to a lot of issues when using this equipment, first of all, from the selection of air purification equipment precautions to start talking about it!
      Filter material for air purification equipment:
1, the characteristics of the fluid: gas or liquid composition, PH value, chemical properties, temperature and process requirements, etc.;
2, the contents of the selection: reference to the chemical compatibility table and the characteristics of the filter media;
3、Filtering liquid: try to choose the filter material with hydrophilicity, such as polyethersulfone membrane, nylon membrane, etc.; 4、Filtering gas: choose PTFE membrane.
4, filtering gas: choosing PTFE filter material is more suitable.
     Filter shell of air purification equipment:
1, the factors affecting: fluid properties, composition, chemical properties, temperature, and process requirements.
2, the choice of content: choose 304 or 316L stainless steel material;
3, for sterilization and filtration: the choice of sanitary shell, as little as possible, or do not use threaded, polished equipment.
     Air purification equipment type and filtration precision:
1, the factors affecting: clarification, sterilization, concentration, and separation processes.
2, the choice of content: microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and other filtration precision.
3、Debacteria removal: 0.2μm or 0.45μm.
4, in addition to particles: choose 1 - 60μm equipment.
     The size of air purification equipment:
1, the factors affecting: the flow of equipment, liquid viscosity, working mode, etc.;.
2, the choice of content: effective differential pressure, initial differential pressure, filtration volume, etc.;
3, choosing the right pre-efficient filter equipment, can effectively extend the service life of the terminal high-efficiency equipment, and reduce costs.
     This is our main air purification equipment for you to introduce the selection of precautions, these are what we must pay attention to when choosing to use a piece of equipment, I hope that today's introduction for your use has some help.