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Selecting the right air filtration equipment according to its characteristics

Selecting the right air filtration equipment according to its characteristics

The air filter is carefully designed to meet the strict requirements of different industries to achieve the work required in clean rooms and is suitable for all kinds of clean rooms, pharmaceutical plants, food processing, and any other place where a high degree of cleanliness is required.

Next, we will look at its special features:

1. The filter media is made of imported high-end products to ensure high efficiency during work.

2. It has high-temperature resistance and can be used in high-temperature environments up to 300°C.

3. A variety of different thicknesses can be provided according to different industrial requirements.

4. Different materials such as galvanized iron frames, aluminum frames, and stainless steel frames are available.

5. Suitable for some industries with high cleanliness requirements, such as aviation, electronics, semiconductor, biology, hospital, food industry, etc.

6. Suitable for terminal filtration of air conditioning and ventilation systems.

After reading the characteristics are you still very clear? Because of the increasing variety of filters on the market, we often feel at a loss to choose, at this point the good way is of course to consult a professional, but first we need to have a better understanding of their own need for filters.
Here, we take the more popular air filters as an example, and briefly introduce a few points of selection, so that you can have a good idea.

First of all, the selection of air filters should pay attention to several parameters such as filtration efficiency, rated air volume, initial resistance, dust capacity, and so on, as a basic reference; secondly, the common filter media used in air filters are ultra-fine glass fibers and so on.

In addition, we need to know that air filters can be divided into three classes according to different efficacies:

Level 1 filter, the entire material of the filter belongs to the non-combustible.

Level 2 filter,  filter media should be non-combustible, partition, and frame available combustible materials.

Level 3 filter, all the materials of the filter can be designed according to the initial resistance of two times the final resistance, as the calculated resistance of the filter.

After that, we also need to know some basic qualities, the initial resistance of the high-efficiency air filter can not exceed 10% of the product sample; the high-efficiency air filter is not suitable for use alone; high-efficiency filter in the factory before the complete test should be carried out once, etc.