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Requirements for setting up isolation wards and clean operating theatres

Requirements for setting up isolation wards and clean operating theatres

1. Separate air conditioning and exhaust units should be provided and can operate continuously for 24 hours 

2. As a rule, fresh air DC air conditioning systems with a supply air volume of 10-15 times/hour are recommended and should not be fitted with indoor recirculation units, such as fan coils.
The air supply unit should be installed outside and connected to the room via air ducts.
If it must be installed indoors due to restrictions, there should be no negative air pressure ducts in the air and care should be taken not to contaminate the room when maintaining and replacing the filters.

3. Fresh air should be filtered through three stages: rough, medium efficiency, and sub-high efficiency, either centrally or in the form of fresh air installed in the side wall units of the ten corridors.
Exhaust air shall be filtered through a high-efficiency filter which is installed in the room exhaust outlet and is easily replaceable.
The exhaust fans can be adjusted centrally or one machine can accommodate one room. 

4. Room airflow should be provided on one side and exhausted near the side of the bed. 

5. The air conditioning system in non-airborne isolation wards can be modeled on that in general wards. 

6. An orderly negative pressure gradient should be maintained in the area and the degree of negative pressure should run from the corridor to the anteroom to the isolation ward.
A shut-off valve should be installed in the supply and exhaust ducts of each room and this valve should be interlocked with the configured fan.
The valve that closes when the fan stops is closed 7. Temperature 20-27°C and relative humidity 30%-60%.