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Relationship between filter service life and resistance values

Relationship between filter service life and resistance values

The service life of a filter depends on its strengths and weaknesses such as filter material, filter area, construction design, initial resistance, etc. but also the concentration of dust in the air, the actual volume of air used, and the final resistance setting.

To get to grips with the appropriate life cycle, it is essential to understand the variations in resistance. Firstly, the following definitions must be understood:

1. Rated initial resistance: The initial resistance provided by the filter sample, filter characteristic curve, or filter test report at the rated air volume.

2. Design initial resistance: the resistance of the filter at the design airflow of the system (to be provided by the designer of the air conditioning system).

3. Initial operating resistance: the resistance of the filter at the start of operation of the system, if no instrument is available for measuring pressure, the resistance at the design airflow can only be used as the initial operating resistance (the actual operating airflow cannot be exactly equal to the design airflow); during operation, the filter resistance should be checked periodically for exceeding the initial resistance (a resistance monitoring device should be installed in each filter section) to determine when to Replace the filter. 

Special note: Low-efficiency filters are usually made of coarse fiber filter material with large gaps between the fibers and excessive resistance that may blow dust away from the filter. In this case, the resistance of the filter will no longer increase, but the filtration efficiency will drop to almost zero, so the final resistance value of the coarse filter must be strictly controlled!