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Questions and answers on the use and replacement of air showers

Questions and answers on the use and replacement of air showers

Air shower room equipment use and replacement in the need to pay attention to some of the problems for you to do a simple answer.

I. Which technical parameters need to be referred to in the design of the air shower room?

Answer: internal and external materials, size, the number of users, and the requirements of the environment.

II. What is the export air speed of the air shower room?

Answer: The wind speed is not specified in detail in the international standard, but the general industry standard is 25 m/s.

III. What are the requirements for the use of fans in air showers?

Answer: The fan generally requires a full pressure of more than 700pa and an air volume of more than 1200.

IV. What are the requirements for the use of primary and high-efficiency filters in air showers?

Answer: The primary filter is used for G1 - G4 level equipment and the high-efficiency filter uses more high-efficiency filters with partitions.

V. What are the installation considerations for air shower rooms?

Answer: Is the ground level for installation? Is the power supply connected? Is there a problem with the installation position and so on?

VI. What are the maintenance precautions for the air shower room?


1. According to the use of different cleanliness of the environment, regular (generally speaking, the primary effect is 1 - 6 months, high efficiency 6 - 12 months) replacement;

2. Regularly (generally every two months) use special dust particle counters to determine the level of pollution in the clean area, if the results and the required cleanliness do not match, the reasons should be promptly identified;

3. Regular inspection and maintenance of the electrical wiring of the air shower room;

4. The temperature of the air shower room should not exceed 50°C.