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Questions and answers about air purification equipment

Questions and answers about air purification equipment

1、How to classify the filter level?

A: Usually, we can classify filters into pre-filter, primary filter, a fine filter, and activated carbon filter, of which pre-filter can remove particles with a diameter of 3 - 5μm, the primary filter can remove particles and oil mist with a diameter of 0.5 - 1μ, the fine filter can remove particles and oil mist with a diameter of 0.01μm, while activated carbon filter is mainly used to remove odor and oil mist from the air. Vapour.

2、What are the different levels of filters for different applications?

A: Generally, pre-filters are used downstream of compressors, and the requirements for the use of occasions are not very high; primary filters are usually used in production equipment such as motors and cylinders; fine filters are mainly used in industrial procedures such as painting, injection molding, transmission, mixing, and nitrogen separation; and activated carbon filters can be used in processes such as food and pharmaceutical manufacturing, air filtration and gas processing.

3、Why should the filters be used together?

A: Many people may think that as long as the air quality of the environment chooses a single filter to achieve the requirements of filtration, and also to save money, but this is a misunderstanding, if we only according to the environment chooses a single filter, and no pre-low level of equipment to pretreatment protection, then the high precision cartridge will soon be too large because of a load of pollution and clogging. This is also equivalent to speeding up the replacement frequency of the cartridge, disguised as an increase in cost.

4、Can the filter reduce the dew point of the air?

A: General filters can only remove solid and liquid particles in the air, but for water vapor and oil vapor, and other pollution is no way, so mechanical filters can not play such a role if you want to fundamentally remove water vapor and oil vapor pollution, the only way to reduce the dew point temperature of the air is to use a dryer.

5、What is the relationship between the efficiency of the filter and the temperature of the air?

A: Generally speaking, the temperature of the oil and water contained in the compressed air will directly affect the efficiency of the filter, for example, when the temperature reaches 30°C, the oil content through the filter is about 5 times that of 20°C; and when the temperature rises to 40°C, the oil content through the filter is about 10 times that of 20°C. For such a situation, we generally choose to install the filter at the lower temperature point of the compressed air system.