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Questions and answers about air purification equipment II

Questions and answers about air purification equipment II

I. How is the replacement cycle of the cartridge in the equipment decided?

Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of the cartridge is determined by the pressure drop of the equipment. If the pressure drop exceeds 0.68kgf/cm2, the differential pressure gauge in the equipment will point to the red area, which also reminds us that the cartridge needs to be replaced. Or say the equipment work full 6000 - 8000 hours (nearly a year) and also need to be replaced.

II, what is the purpose of replacing the cartridge regularly?

Because in the operation of the equipment, the cartridge is one of the key parts, will be subject to the continuous impact of pollution, over time will lead to a higher pressure drop in the system, while the consumption of energy and electricity is gradually rising, the result is that the cost of operation and production is increasing, and will also increase the burden on the environment.

III, the installation of filtration equipment should pay attention to what aspects?

1, note that the working pressure of the equipment should not exceed the large pressure value indicated;

2, the equipment is generally installed in the rear of the after-cooler and storage tank, as close as possible to the low-temperature point;

3, the equipment should not be installed behind the quick opening valve to prevent backflow and impact;

4, the equipment should be installed vertically and leave enough space underneath to allow for the operation of the replacement cartridge;

5. If the equipment is large, it should be properly supported in the installation pipeline.

IV. What should I pay attention to when replacing the cartridge?

1、Isolate the equipment, close the air inlet valve, and close the air outlet valve after the pressure is completely removed;

2, unscrew the equipment's shell and remove the old cartridge;

3、Clean the shell of the equipment in many aspects;

4. Afterwards, replace the cartridge with a brand-new one.