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Professional advanced air purification technology explained II

Professional advanced air purification technology explained II

I. Multi-layer filtration

This technology is mainly used in composite purification equipment, the effect of filtration is very obvious, especially for the removal of solid dust in the air is particularly good, but the price of these products is generally high, and need to be replaced frequently, with no regeneration function, the use of high costs.

II. Catalysis, decomposition

This technology can be applied to photocatalytic purification equipment, and can quickly decompose harmful substances in the air, the price is relatively low, but so far this technology is still in the experimental stage because photocatalytic equipment must rely on ultraviolet radiation to produce the effect, but long irradiation of ultraviolet light is also easy to damage, the frequency of replacement is relatively high.
UV light is also harmful to the human body, so it should be used with caution.

III. Filtration and adsorption

Filter adsorption is a relatively common technology, and its effect is more obvious, for the air in the benzene, xylene, trichloromethane, and other harmful gases have a very good role in removing, and the amount of adsorption is large.
The equipment also has a regeneration function, regeneration can be maintained for at least a year and a half, and simple desorption can achieve the effect of regeneration used. Because of the long service life, the cost of maintenance is relatively low.

IV, NICOLER sterilization technology

NICOLER sterilization technology is a new purification technology, it is based on the production environment in general high humidity, high temperature, and odor characteristics of the design, the use of the plasma electrostatic field working principle, for the air to be very effective sterilization.
The main principle of operation is that the plasma electrostatic field in the air is reversed by high-voltage DC pulses, producing a large amount of plasma, which is then adsorbed and decomposed under the action of a negative-pressure fan.

This advanced technology is not harmful to the human body and can be used in conjunction with daily production work.