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Problems with activated carbon filters in use

Problems with activated carbon filters in use

I. Performance of activated carbon filters

1. The efficiency value of the low point of filtration is representative.

2. If the filter material is electrostatic or the dust is electrostatic, the filtering effect can be significantly improved.

3. The captured dust will produce additional resistance to the airflow, making the overall resistance of the equipment increase.

4. The larger the area of the filter media, the more dust it can hold and the longer the service life of the equipment.

II. Principle of activated carbon filter

The dust particles in the air generally move inertially or irregularly with the airflow. When the particles in motion hit the obstacle, the van der Waals force between the two makes them stick together, thus getting filtered.

III. Service life of activated carbon filters

When there is more dust in the filter media, the greater the resistance, and when this resistance is so large that it exceeds the specified value, the filter is scrapped. And we can reduce the resistance of the filter by reducing the relative air speed through the filter media to extend the service life.

IV. Determining the efficiency of filters at all levels of the system

In general, the last level of the filter determines the cleanliness of the air supply, while the upstream filter plays a protective role to protect the normal operation of the lower filter and extend its service life. Therefore, when designing the equipment, it is necessary to determine the efficiency of the last filter according to the cleanliness requirements of the air supply, and then choose the filter that plays a protective role, which is often referred to as the pre-filter.

V. Choose the equipment with a large effective filtration area

1. Generally speaking, the larger the filter area is, the more dust it can contain and the longer the filter life.

2. With a large filtering area, the speed of airflow through the material will be reduced, and the resistance of the filter will be reduced.

3. To sum up, it can also be said that increasing the effective filtration area is a good way to extend the service life of the filter.