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Problems in the design of clean rooms for air purification

Problems in the design of clean rooms for air purification

I. Cleanliness and number of air changes

The cleanliness of the room depends on the number of air changes in the equipment, so we must carefully consider the nature of the work in the room, the production process, etc., and then decide on the technical parameters to be used in the purification system.

II. Structure of the equipment

To ensure that the indoor airflow is not disturbed, the structure must be rigorously designed to prevent the accumulation of dust in any part of the room.

III. System

Air cleaning systems in clean rooms can generally be divided into three types: horizontal laminar flow, vertical laminar flow, and turbulent flow. The choice is made concerning convention or depends on the various parameters of the room.

IV. Materials

The materials used for the roof, walls, and floor of the clean room must also be chosen so that they do not break or stain the dust easily. The chemical stability of the materials is also taken into account when choosing them, depending on the different working conditions in the room.

V. Design solutions

Before determining the design scheme must take into account the nature of the work of the clean room and the airflow conditions, etc., in these aspects of comprehensive consideration after making a decision, for example, the amount of dust in the relatively large workshop is not suitable for the form of ground air supply; cleanliness requirements are relatively high workshop should be as far away from other workshops.

VI. Water supply and drainage system

According to different work requirements, the clean room needs to provide the necessary water supply and drainage devices, air supply devices, and power supply, these devices and equipment must be easy to use, while not interfering with the operation of the air purification system.

VII. People and things

People and objects entering and leaving the clean room are the dominant ones and the main source of pollution, so strict control must be carried out, for example, by stipulating that before entering the clean room, all people have to be blown through the air shower room, change the special work clothes, etc.

VIII. Auxiliary facilities

In the design of the clean room, some auxiliary equipment can be installed when necessary, such as air indicators for new air outlets, transfer windows on partitions, etc. The choice of these devices must also be in line with the clean requirements of the room.