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Problem analysis and solution for FFU fan filter units

Problem analysis and solution for FFU fan filter units

I. Clean room static pressure is not enough:
in some transformation projects, due to the conditions make the air supply resistance very large, alone by the air conditioning unit air supply pressure to overcome the difficulties, because FFU comes with power, can be a good solution to this problem.

II. The ceiling space of the clean room is not enough:
in some occasions with high cleanliness requirements, the air supply static pressure box on the ceiling of the clean room has a great role to balance the pressure on the cross-section of the clean room,
but when using FFU, the ceiling of the clean room is divided into several modules, which can be adjusted by each module (i.e. FFU) to meet the pressure balance requirements of the air supply static pressure box on the ceiling,
thus Third, the air-conditioning room area is not enough: some renovation projects due to the air-conditioning room area are small, it is impossible to accommodate large air-conditioning units, at this time can be used to make up for this deficiency with FFU's power to reduce the use of air-conditioning units.

III. Insufficient air-conditioning room area:
some renovation projects cannot accommodate large air-conditioning units due to the small area of the air-conditioning room, so the self-contained power of the FFU can be used to make up for this deficiency and reduce the number of air-conditioning units used.

What is the situation that leads to the application of FFU that has not been used in a long time?

I. Noise problems: At the time of the production process, how noisy would 5,000 fans be together? It is difficult for us to imagine.

II. Pressure balance: in a very large static pressure box, whether the fans in each different corner could get a balanced pressure, was not guaranteed at that time either.

III. Maintenance problems: as FFU itself is relatively expensive if its motor life is not guaranteed, a replacement will bring additional investment, these are the main reasons why companies did not choose to use FFU at that time.

The advantages of FFU itself:

I. Running costs: Although the initial investment is higher than using duct ventilation when choosing FFU, it stands out for its energy-saving and maintenance-free features in later operation, which can reduce running costs by about 40% compared to using conventional air conditioning units for centralized air supply.

II. Reusability: If the FFU equipment is not used for a long time, it can be dismantled and sealed for proper storage for further use next time.

III. Flexibility: Because FFUs are self-powered, they are not restricted by area and can be partitioned and controlled as required in a large clean room.

IV. Construction cycle: After the use of FFU can save the production and installation steps of air ducts, any investor wants to invest to bring revenue as soon as possible, the simpler the steps used the better, so the choice of FFU has become a better method.

V. Negative pressure ventilation: this is one of the unique advantages of FFU, as it can provide static pressure itself, making the air supply a static pressure box relative to the negative pressure of the clean and quiet plant.
In this way, particles in the static pressure box will not be subject to pressure leakage into the clean area, making sealing easier and safer.