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Principles of performance testing of high efficiency filtration equipment

Principles of performance testing of high efficiency filtration equipment

Before we use high-efficiency air filter equipment, we must conduct a rigorous test of its performance, this process is generally completed by the manufacturer before the equipment leaves the factory, today we will take the high-efficiency fiber filter as an example, take a look at several commonly used high-efficiency filtration equipment performance testing methods.

1、Bubbling point method test
The principle of this method is to completely wet the filter membrane and cartridge with the specified solution, and then continuously pressurize the equipment through the gas source on one side, with the increasing pressure, the gas will be released from the side of the filter membrane, the specific performance is the appearance of bubbles of different sizes and numbers on one side of the membrane, at this time we can judge the corresponding pressure value through the instrument, this is the basic principle of the bubble point method test method.

2、Diffusion flow method test
This method means that when the pressure of the gas is 80% of the bubbling point value, there is not yet a large amount of gas, only a small amount of gas dissolves into the diaphragm of the liquid and subsequently diffuses into the liquid on the other side, and this part becomes the diffusion flow.

This method is relatively more effective than the bubble point method, why? Because the foaming point is a fixed value and the test takes a long time to complete, making it is difficult to quantify accurately. But the value of diffusion flow is a quantitative value, not only to determine the integrity of the filter but also to reflect the porosity of the membrane in the equipment, the flow rate and the filter area, and other factors.

3、Water intrusion method test
This method is specifically used in the testing of hydrophobic cartridges, because hydrophobic membranes are more resistant to water, the smaller the pore size the greater the pressure required to squeeze the water into it, so, under a certain pressure, we can determine the pore size of the cartridge by measuring the flow of water squeezed into the filter membrane, so it is also a relatively simple method.