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Primary filter media can be cleaned with a high dust collection rate and is economical and practical

Primary filter media can be cleaned with a high dust collection rate and is economical and practical.

    With the increasingly serious challenge of air quality pollution in China, various types of filters have been produced, and the primary filter media is diversified and selectable, suitable for use in different corporate purification, and solves the indoor high clean air quality requirements.
    Primary filter media is generally made of high-quality polyester synthetic fiber, which can be recycled many times and has a long service life. The fluffy and dense fiber structure of the panel filter ensures a high dust collection rate and a large dust capacity, which can be said to be economical and practical.
 Regularly check whether the filter mesh is damaged, whether the air inlet surface is clogged with debris, and whether the surface of the filter media is broken and clogged with the phenomenon of the surface. If once found should be removed immediately, if the primary effect plate filter media surface damage is serious, it is necessary to replace the new filter media or filter assembly reinstallation.
    Primary filter media precision is usually 5um, can effectively remove suspended solids, particles, and other impurities in the water, to ensure the safety and stability of water quality, is easy to install and maintain, does not need special tools and technology, but also according to the water quality of the situation of backwashing, do not need to replace the filter cartridge frequently, it is particularly convenient to use. The price is relatively low and suitable for families and small businesses.