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Primary filter g4 filter standard material and use of the environment

Primary filter g4 filter standard material and use of the environment

Primary filter plates as a pre-filtration of air filters can effectively block dust particles in the air, protect the back end of the intermediate and high-efficiency filters, and good quality primary filters in the normal environmental conditions of the use of the period of 3-6 months to replace once, to avoid the clogging of the filter surface layer of the impact on the quality of the air, we still need to pay attention to the replacement cycle.

Primary filter g4 filtration standard frame materials include an aluminum frame, galvanized steel frame, and paper frame. According to the practice is divided into the following types, folding filters, plate filters, sub-mother rack washable filters, and bag filters.   

Primary filter g4 filtration standard is mainly used for:

1. Central air-conditioning and centralized general system pre-filtration;

2. Large air compressor pre-filtration;

3. Clean return air system;

4. Pre-filtration of local high-efficiency filtration devices;

This efficiency filter is commonly used in the primary filtration of air-conditioning and ventilation systems and is also suitable for simple air-conditioning and ventilation systems that only require primary filtration.