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Performance and use of primary filtration equipment

Performance and use of primary filtration equipment

I. Principle of filtration

The filtration method of this equipment is a collection of adsorption, surface filtration, and deep filtration of these three different principles, the main mechanism is interception, impact, and diffusion.
In the initial filtration stage of the equipment, when the sewage passes through the filter element, those particles larger than the micro-pore size of the element will be directly intercepted on the surface of the screen and form a filter cake layer; while those particles smaller than the pore size will be captured due to the effect of inertia, or by the influence of Brownian motion, which will eventually achieve the purpose of filtration.

II. Parameters of the equipment

1、Diameter: 2.4m;

2、Height: 5.6m;

3、Filtration capacity: 35--40m-3h-1;

4、Inlet and outlet pressure drop: ≤0.06MPa;

5、Density: 1--1.1t-m-3;

6、Significant porosity: ≥39.24%;

7、Water permeability: 1.2-th--1m-3;

8、Compressive strength: ≥ 10.8MPa;

9、Flexural strength: ≥ 5.4MPa.

III. Maintenance of the equipment

In the process of using this equipment, as the micro-pores inside the filter media are gradually blocked by pollutants and the filter cake in it gradually thickens, the pressure difference between the import and export will also slowly become larger, and when it is greater than 0.05MPa, we want to backwash the equipment.

IV. Application effect of the equipment

1、After the equipment is put into use here, the overall operation of the filtration system has been significantly improved;

2、After a long time of use, the slag discharge of the system has been significantly reduced, the blockage phenomenon is also less frequent, the use cycle of the system is long and the replacement frequency is smaller;

3、For the entire industrial industry is a great improvement in production efficiency.