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Must Know Clean Shed Inspection Status

Must Know Clean Shed Inspection Status

Whether it is the completion of the clean shed acceptance or clean shed in the use of the process of regular testing, needs to be tested according to the relevant parameters to determine the clean shed is always in line with the requirements of the clean shed will be affected by several factors, the following will be a simple analysis.

Clean shed testing should be clear that the use of clean shed state, state different, clean shed test results will be different, clean shed testing is divided into three states: clean shed empty state, clean shed static, and clean shed dynamic.

A clean shed empty state refers to the clean shed having been completed, all power links and running, but no production equipment, materials, and related staff in the clean shed, usually in the clean shed completion and acceptance.
Clean shed static refers to the clean shed that has been completed, clean shed has been installed in line with the requirements of the use of clean room equipment but is not in operation, and no production staff in the clean shed.

Clean shed dynamics refers to the clean shed in the specified state of operation, the clean shed in the presence of the specified personnel, and the agreed state of work, this state is commonly used in the use of clean shed in the process of daily inspection, not for the acceptance of the clean shed inspection.

For the acceptance of the clean shed, testing and adjustment need to be carried out in the clean shed empty state and static, which can objectively evaluate the quality of the clean shed, but in the time of the clean shed acceptance, static mostly, because some of the clean shed process equipment needs to be put in place ahead of time, so the process equipment in the clean shed should be carefully wiped clean and in line with the requirements of the use of equipment within the clean room, so as not to affect the detection of data in the clean shed.

If the clean shed in the dynamic detection, the requirements of clean shed process equipment, personnel operating procedures, personnel clothing, etc. need to comply with the requirements of the clean room (clean shed belongs to a simple clean room), these factors are not controlled by the construction unit of the clean shed, often the completion of the acceptance of the clean shed, due to the process equipment, clothing, and other factors do not comply with the provisions of the detection of the phenomenon of discrepancies.
Therefore, this state is not recommended for clean shed cleanliness testing.