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More detailed notes on the maintenance of the VHP pass box

More detailed notes on the maintenance of the VHP pass box

Maintenance points of the VHP pass box:
1. Daily cleaning
    - Wipe the outer surface of the transfer window with a clean damp cloth every day to remove dust and stains.
    - The internal surface should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth without fiber shedding and a special cleaner, taking care to avoid scratching the surface.
2. Check the electrical system
    - Regularly check whether the power cord is broken and the plug is loose.
    - Ensure that the buttons and indicator lights on the control panel are working properly.
3. Sensor calibration
    - Calibrate the temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors regularly to ensure the accuracy of the operating parameters of the transfer window.
    - For example, calibrate every six months.
4. Hydrogen peroxide storage
    - Ensure that the hydrogen peroxide storage container is sealed to prevent leakage and deterioration.
    - Follow storage requirements and store in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area.
5. Ventilation system maintenance
    - Check that ventilation ducts are clear and free of blockages or leaks.
    - Clean or replace the filters of the ventilation system to ensure good ventilation.
6. Mechanical parts inspection
    - Check whether the door hinges, door locks, and other mechanical parts of the transfer window are flexible, and add lubricant if necessary.
    - Check whether the transmission device operates normally, with or without abnormal noise or jamming.
7. Sterilisation effect monitoring
    - Conduct regular bio-indicator tests to verify that the sterilization effect is up to standard.
    - Keep testing records for easy traceability and analysis.
8. Professional maintenance
    - Arrange professional technicians to carry out comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the transfer window every year.
    - According to the frequency of equipment use and environmental conditions, adjust the maintenance cycle appropriately.
9. Operation training
    - Provide regular training to operators to ensure that they operate and maintain the transfer window correctly.
    - Emphasise the importance of complying with operating procedures to reduce equipment damage caused by misuse.
10. emergency response
    - Develop a contingency plan for emergencies such as VHP leakage.
    - Equip the necessary protective equipment and emergency tools.
By strictly following the above maintenance precautions, the service life of the VHP pass box can be prolonged and its performance and sterilization effect can be maintained at all times, providing a reliable guarantee of asepsis for the production and experimental environments.