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Meet the precision microporous filtration equipment

Meet the precision microporous filtration equipment

I. Features of the equipment

1. High filtration efficiency, small can filter about 0.45um of pollution particles, the removal rate of 99.9%, and the operation of the pressure difference is very low;

2. The equipment adopts the method of rapid back-blowing of compressed gas, which can quickly unload the filter cake attached to the outer surface of the microporous tube safely and does not affect the normal operation of the equipment;

3. High regeneration efficiency of the filter media, if the equipment encounters a blockage, it can be regenerated by a simple gas-liquid fast backflush method; and after a long time of use, the equipment can be regenerated by chemical methods to extend the service life of the equipment;

4. The corrosion resistance of this equipment is very strong, for a variety of acids, alkalis, salts, and organic solvents, etc. have a very good role, so very suitable for use in pharmaceutical, food, chemical, environmental protection, and other industries.

II. Material of the equipment

The main material of this equipment is ultra-high sub-polyethylene, these materials can meet the requirements of GMP, and FDA, and in the production of no adhesive, chemical compatibility is very wide.

III. Structure of the machine

The equipment is made by the scientific high-temperature sintering method, the pore size of the cartridge is the same inside and outside, which makes it easier to backflush and de-slag.

IV. Use of the equipment

The equipment should be filtered with distilled water before use, and when it first starts to run, the pressure difference should be controlled below 0.01Mpa, and after about 10 - 30 minutes, the pressure difference can be increased to 0.05Mpa. At this time, if the flow of the equipment can be maintained between 0.5 - 1m3/h, the pressure difference does not need to be increased; if the flow is reduced, the pressure difference can be increased appropriately. Increase the differential pressure.

V. Cleaning methods of equipment

1. Physical cleaning: simply remove the shell of the equipment, directly backwash with pure water, and then use 0.1Mpa compressed air for back-blowing;

2. Chemical cleaning: When the equipment has been used for a long period, only physical methods do not work, we can soak the microporous equipment in a solution of sodium hydroxide with a concentration of about 10%, take out about 48 hours to rinse clean with water, then soak it in a solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of about 5%, about 4 hours after taking out with pure water to backwash clean, and then use Afterwards, it is back washed with pure water, followed by a backblast with compressed air at 0.1 Mpa.