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Material properties and functionality of hospital doors

Material properties and functionality of hospital doors

    The more important content in the visual communication process is the environment and color. The completed design can show different functions in the environment and let people feel different effects. For the hospital environment, the design should express the feeling of kindness and tranquility, and be able to express it through The influence of the surrounding environment and color allowing patients to resonate psychologically and recover as soon as possible. This article mainly analyzes the importance of environment and color. In the process of architectural design, hospitals need to pay attention to color and environment and do a good job in design.
    Throughout history, birth, aging, sickness, and death have been the natural laws of all animals. Of course, humans cannot escape this law. The emergence of doctors and hospitals exists objectively. "China is one of the earliest countries in the world with developed civilizations." As early as the Zhou Dynasty, there was already a prototype of a hospital.
     With the rapid development of modern medical care, more and more large general hospitals will appear, and the departments in the hospitals will face different groups of people.
     Select the color of hospital doors for internal and external departments: People with poor endocrine systems can choose green. Green can calm the nervous system, promote gastric juice secretion, help digestion, and help eliminate fatigue, and can treat fainting, fatigue, nausea, and negative emotions.