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Many problems in the use of activated carbon filters

Many problems in the use of activated carbon filters

I. What are the types and uses of activated carbon?

A: Activated carbon is a kind of filter material with a black appearance, developed internal pore structure, large specific surface area, and strong adsorption capacity, and is also a common adsorbent and catalyst. According to its appearance, it can be divided into powder, granular, irregular granular, cylindrical, spherical, and fibrous.

The application of activated carbon in modern life is also very much involved in all aspects of our life, such as water purification, decolorization of sugar, refining of pharmaceuticals, air purification, purification of domestic sewage, and so on.

II. How long does activated carbon take to reach saturation?

A: Generally speaking, activated carbon for air purification is of high or low quality, and ordinary activated carbon will reach saturation only after it has adsorbed about 60% of its weight in toxic and harmful gases.

III. How does activated carbon work?

A: As we have mentioned before, activated carbon has a very well-developed internal void structure and rich microporous tissue, which have a strong adsorption capacity. And when we use activated carbon to purify the air, to give full play to its effectiveness, it is often made into a cartridge device, so that the polluted air can fully contact with it, quickly, completely, and thoroughly adsorb the toxic and harmful gases in the air, to achieve the purpose of purifying the air.

IV. Will the pollution adsorb by activated carbon leak out?

A: If the adsorbed harmful gases are released from the micro-pores of the activated carbon again, it is called "desorption", or "regeneration". Desorption is achieved through a complex process of thermal regeneration, chemical elution, and biological regeneration. Therefore, in the course of natural use, it is very difficult for harmful gas molecules to leak out of it by themselves.

V. Can activate carbon for water purification purify the air?

A: Different activated carbon devices are used in different ways. The micro-pore diameter of activated carbon for air purification is generally larger than the diameter of harmful gas molecules, which is why it can adsorb harmful gases. The main function of activated carbon for water purification is to adsorb impurities and harmful substances in water, most of which remain in the water in the form of solids or liquids.