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Liquid trough high-efficiency filter application must focus on post-testing

Liquid trough high-efficiency filter application must focus on post-testing

     For the current filter, the liquid tank high-efficiency filter is the most popular filter equipment, The purification effect, which adapts to a wide range of fields, is the first choice of many people's filter equipment, liquid tank high-efficiency filters In the application of the filter, must focus on the installation of the post-testing, only after the test can be put into the actual application, and what are the methods for testing? Specifically through these three points for you to explain:
    1, the switch is an important part of the filter, only open the switch to allow the equipment to work properly, however, the switching device is often a problem in the filter equipment parts, many people use filter equipment, often pointing at the button, but the equipment pen no significant effect, so to avoid such a situation, be sure to double-check whether the switch is normal.
    2, the line is also an important item in the liquid tank high-efficiency filter test, due to the filter equipment in the production process, there will be some problems in the line installation, so it needs to be tested again to ensure that the line of the equipment is problem-free. Manufacturers in the mass production of filter equipment, can not ensure that each device is problem-free, so the a need to test the production of equipment, to avoid the occurrence of dangerous accidents in the use of users.
     3, the installation of components also needs to be tested, because there are many components of the liquid tank high-efficiency filter, and each component has different installation requirements, to ensure that the components are installed correctly, the manufacturer should be tested after production to ensure that the production of the equipment is problem-free, if there are problems with the installation of components, then the equipment can not be used normally.