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Learn about the filter equipment Continued

Learn about the filter equipment Continued

I. Choose equipment with a large filter area

Why do you say this? Because the larger the filter area the more dust can be accommodated, and the resistance formed when the airflow passes is smaller, and the reduction of resistance makes the service life of the equipment also extended.
Of course, when considering increasing the filtration area, we must also consider the structure of the equipment and the actual situation of use, for example, bag filters can increase the effective filtration area by increasing the number and length of filter bags; and for partition filters, the possibility of increasing the number of filter paper pleats by reducing the spacing.
It is important to choose a production process that can accommodate more filter material at the time of design.

Of course, the equipment that uses more filter material will naturally have a higher price, but its longer service life can also offset the change in product price, and the extended service life also means that a lot of maintenance costs are reduced, and the risk of use is reduced by a lot, so overall this is still a very obvious advantage.

II. High-efficiency filters must be inspected unit by unit

In many production environments requiring high cleanliness, a high-efficiency filter with loopholes is enough to lead to the destruction of the entire project.
To avoid such a situation, we must ensure that each piece of equipment must undergo a special performance test before leaving the factory.
Now, the larger filter manufacturers in the manufacture of equipment are to take fully automated operation, to reduce the failure rate to a certain extent, and to ensure that each piece of equipment is qualified.

III. Judging the service life of the filter by resistance

As we all know, the resistance in operation for the service life of the equipment makes very important, if the accumulation of too much dust will lead to an increase in resistance, when the resistance increases to a certain set value, the use of the filter efficiency will decline, and even lead to the scrapping of the equipment.

How to judge the service life of the equipment according to the resistance? In general, the selection of the final resistance is the job of the designer, and the more experienced engineers will usually change the original design of the final resistance according to the site conditions.
In most cases, however, the final resistance is twice as long as the initial resistance, and as long as this value is reached, the service life can be maintained.
When the filter reaches the final resistance, it is time to replace the equipment.

From the above various properties, we can see that from the selection, installation, and use of filters in all aspects, they all play a vital role, and their technical characteristics tell us that we cannot rely solely on our own experience to judge the use of equipment,
only according to the actual situation for in-depth analysis and research, only the use of appropriate to make the equipment give full play to its advantages, and properly extend the Only by using the equipment properly can we make full use of its advantages and extend the service life of the equipment.