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Key points to note in the maintenance of high efficiency air outlets for air purification equipment

Key points to note in the maintenance of high efficiency air outlets for air purification equipment

1. Use professional instruments to regularly test the technical indicators of the equipment, if found not in line with the original technical parameters to find out the reasons for processing;

2. According to the actual use of the equipment, regularly take out the filter media for cleaning;

3. In the process of operation, if the wind speed is found to be smaller, the first thing to do is to check whether the surface of the primary effect equipment is blackened, if there is this problem, it means that the pre-filter has a lot of dust in it, so it leads to an increase in resistance, the solution is to remove the internal filter of the primary effect equipment in time for cleaning or replacement;

4. After cleaning the filters, if the air speed of the equipment cannot be increased, it means that the high-efficiency equipment has been blocked, and the high-efficiency equipment should be replaced in the same way;

5. In the replacement high-efficiency equipment must be removed from the spray ball plate, and then remove the equipment, be the original specifications, and model selection of the new high-efficiency equipment, in addition, before the installation should confirm the arrow mark on the equipment, pointing to the direction of airflow;

6. After the equipment has been replaced and installed, it is necessary to promptly confirm that there is no leakage in the frame and to test it with a special dust particle counter, and the test results can only be used after reaching the technical specifications;

7. Regularly check the electrical wiring in the equipment, and if faults are found, they can be repaired according to the relevant electrical schematics;

8. Regular maintenance of all parts of the equipment to avoid unnecessary failures;

9. The temperature of the whole equipment should not exceed 50°C and it is strictly forbidden to use it in an open fire environment.