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Introduction to the commonly used filter media in high temperature resistant filters

Introduction to the commonly used filter media in high temperature resistant filters

I. Activated carbon filter cotton

As we all know, the main role of activated carbon is to adsorb and remove the odor in the air, in general, coarse, medium, and high-efficiency filters are very good to use.

II. Glass fiber filter wool

1. This equipment is mainly made of glass fibers of different thicknesses and lengths through a special process, the performance is very stable; and also has high-temperature resistance, large capacity, and other characteristics, in some special production environments can also be applied.

2. generally used in the ventilation system of the primary, high temperature, high-efficiency air filters, especially for the air requirements of the higher places.

III. Synthetic fiber filter cotton

1. The product also includes a variety of primary filter cotton, canopy filter cotton, etc. It is one of the components that cannot be missing in the coarse, medium, and high-efficiency series of filtration equipment, and is also an emerging filter material with great potential to be explored.

2. The product is characterized by low resistance to operation, lightweight, large capacity, can be incinerated, environmental protection, and energy saving.

IV. Synthetic fiber high-temperature resistant filter cotton

1. This is a new type of filter material made of a special high-temperature material compound, generally suitable for high-temperature filtration environments below 250 degrees, currently is mainly imported.

2. The equipment also has the same characteristics of small running resistance, large dust capacity, lightweight, high-temperature resistance, environmental protection, and energy saving.

V. Non-woven fabric

1. Non-woven fabric is characterized by its wide range of use, the technology used is relatively mature, the stability of the equipment is high, and it is the commonly used filter media in our primary and secondary filtration equipment.

2. The production process is completed by a combination of meltblown, needle-punched and spun-bonded processes, so it has many advantages such as stable performance, high dust capacity, high moisture resistance, and long service life.

3. Of course, this product also has its disadvantages, which are high resistance to operation and difficulty in burning.