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Introduction to several methods of regeneration of activated carbon filtration equipment II

Introduction to several methods of regeneration of activated carbon filtration equipment II

I. Electrolytic oxidation method

This method uses the strong oxidant produced by electrolysis to oxidize and decompose the organic matter adsorbed in the activated carbon, but in practice, there are still many problems, for example, the metal electrodes may corrode, the flocculants may block the equipment, and so on.

II. Heating regeneration method

1. Low-temperature heating regeneration method: this method is specifically for the adsorption of low boiling point compounds and saturated carbon, generally using 100 - 200 ℃ steam for blowing off so that the activated carbon regeneration and desorption of organic matter can also be recycled and reused. It is often used for the regeneration of activated carbon in gas equipment and is used in the beer and beverage industry.

2. High-temperature heating regeneration method: this method is generally used in water treatment, activated carbon adsorption of difficult-to-decompose, difficult to desorption of organic matter, and adsorption of a long cycle.
The use of this method after 850 ℃ high-temperature heating, so that the activated carbon adsorption of organic materials after carbonization, activation to achieve the purpose of regeneration, and recovery of high efficiency, the effect is very stable, so the use is also relatively.
Let us take a look at the whole process of heating and regeneration.

a. Drying stage: Wet charcoal with a moisture content of 50% - 86% is placed under a high temperature of 100 - 150°C for heating so that the adsorbed water in the charcoal particles evaporates, while the organic matter with a low boiling point also evaporates, and the heat consumed in this stage occupies 50% - 70% of the total heat.

b. Roasting stage: Also known as the carbonization stage, the activated carbon granules are heated up to 150 - 700°C, in which different organic substances are gradually controlled in the form of volatilization, decomposition, carbonization, and oxidation as the temperature rises.
At this stage, the adsorption recovery rate of the regenerated carbon has reached 60% - 85%.

c. Activation stage: After high-temperature carbonization of the organic matter in the activated carbon, some of the carbides remain in the micro-pores of the activated carbon.
These carbides need to be vaporized using oxidizing gases such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, which makes the surface of the micro-pores thoroughly cleaned and enables the activated carbon to recover its adsorption performance.