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Introduction to cleanrooms

Introduction to cleanrooms

I. Control management of clean room
1、Effectively remove the micro-dust particles in the air;
2、Effectively prevent the generation and dispersal of fine dust particles;
3、Proper control of temperature and humidity;
4、Regulate the overall pressure value;
5、Effective removal of toxic and harmful gases;
6、Prevent the generation of static electricity;
7, for electromagnetic interference, has a very good prevention effect;
8, truly energy-saving and environmental protection.

II. Classification of clean room
1、Confusion type
The air in this type is from the air conditioning box through the air duct and air filter into the clean room, and through the clean room on both sides of the compartment wall or elevated floor for return air, the airflow presents non-linear movement, there will be irregular turbulent flow or vortex state.

The advantage is that it is simple to construct, easy to expand, and particularly suitable for use in special places to improve the cleanliness level.
The disadvantage is that the dust particles caused by turbulence are not easily discharged and can easily contaminate other products; it often takes a long time to activate the system after it has stopped running.

2、Laminar flow type
Laminar flow type airflow movement is presented in a uniform linear shape, air from the filter into the room, and by the raised floor or both sides of the partition for return air, generally applicable to the clean requirements of the environment.
The horizontal laminar flow type is characterized by its simple construction and the ability to restore stability within a short period; the disadvantage is that the construction costs are high and it is not easy to expand.
The advantage of the other vertical laminar flow type is that it is easier to manage and can be restored to a stable state within a short period and is not easily affected; the disadvantage is that it is more expensive to build, more difficult to use flexibly and more troublesome to replace.

III. Composition of the clean room
1、Ceiling system, which includes boom, outline beam, ceiling lattice beam, etc;
2、Air-conditioning system, including air chamber, filter system, windmill, etc;
3、Partition panels, i.e. windows, doors;
4、Flooring, with options such as raised flooring and anti-static Schumi flooring;
5、Lighting tools.

IV. Conditions for the construction of clean rooms
1、No cracks due to temperature changes and vibrations;
2、Not easy to produce micro-dust particles;
3, the equipment should be small moisture absorption;
4、It should have certain thermal insulation.