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Introduction to cleanroom cleanliness standards

Introduction to cleanroom cleanliness standards

What standards do standard clean rooms need to have before they can be put into use?

1. Ensure that the clean room has sufficient air supply to effectively remove contamination from the room;

2. Ensure that the air in the clean room flows from the clean area to the non-clean area and that the air flows in the correct direction at the doorway;

3. The air supply should ensure that it does not increase the level of pollution in the room;

4. The state of movement of the air ensures that there are no areas of high concentration in the room.

And to know whether clean room equipment has reached the above standards, we have to carry out special tests on it, the specific test method is how?

1. Air supply and exhaust volume: if we use the turbulent flow clean room, then we should first test the air supply and exhaust volume of these two data; if only the one-way flow clean room, then need to test its airspeed.

2. Airflow control: to ensure that the direction of airflow between the various areas is correct, we must test: the pressure difference between the areas; the doorway, wall, floor and other openings in the direction of airflow movement is correct, etc.

3. Leak detection of filters: the work of leak detection of high-efficiency filters used in clean rooms is also necessary, the need to detect whether there is no damage to the filter; there is no gap between the filter and the outer frame, etc.

4. Leak detection for isolation: a test to prove that suspended contaminants from outside do not pass through the material into the clean room.

5. Suspended particles and microbial concentration: If all these tests are up to standard, the concentration of particles and microorganisms can be measured afterward to prove that it meets the conditions of clean room design.

6. Other tests: In addition to the necessary tests mentioned above, the following tests can be carried out if required: temperature, relative humidity, room heating and cooling capacity, noise levels, light levels, vibration levels, etc.