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Introduction to choosing an air filter

Introduction to choosing an air filter

Usually, the final filtration equipment often determines the level of air purification, while the upstream levels only play a role in protecting the system, as well as extending the life of the system, ensuring the normal operation of other equipment, and so on.
Therefore, in the design of purification equipment, we should first determine the efficiency of the final filtration equipment according to the cleanliness level required for purification, and then select the equipment that will play a protective role.

The efficiency of each level of different performance filtration equipment should be reasonably matched, if the difference in efficiency between two adjacent levels of equipment is too great, the first level of equipment will not play a protective role, while if the difference between the two is not great, the burden of the latter level of equipment will be too small, affecting the role of the first level of equipment.

In the current air filter equipment, we often use the "G ~ F ~ H ~ U" efficiency specifications to classify, so that we can more easily estimate the required level of filtration equipment.
Generally speaking, the high-efficiency filters used at the end of the clean room must be protected by filters with specifications no lower than F8, while the ultra-high efficiency filters should be protected by equipment with specifications from F9 to H11, and for central air conditioning, the equipment should be protected by specifications no lower than F5.

When it comes to the service life of filtration equipment, one of the main factors is the filter area and the choice of filter material.
The larger the filter area, the more dust it can hold and the longer the service life of the equipment.
Therefore, increasing the effective filtration area of the equipment to a certain extent is a good way to extend its service life.

Regarding the cleaning method of filtering equipment, the basic method used nowadays is rinsing, so the filter material of washable equipment is generally strong, such as the coarse fiber material used to manufacture G2 to G4 efficiency equipment.
Of course, before cleaning we also need to determine whether the filter media is water-resistant.
Generally speaking, the material used in filters with an efficiency of F6 or above has fibers that are generally between ∮0.5 and ∮5μm, so it is not strong enough to be rubbed against it.
So it is often the filter media in them that determines how the equipment is cleaned.