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Introduction to air filter knowledge

Introduction to air filter knowledge

I. Filtration efficiency

The ratio of the amount of dust effectively captured by the filter and the amount of dust not filtered out is called "filtration efficiency". Generally, particles smaller than 0.1mm are mainly used for diffusion movement, and the smaller the particles, the higher the filtration efficiency; while particles larger than 0.5mm are mainly used for inertial movement, and the larger the particles, the higher the filtration efficiency.

II. Running resistance

Air through the equipment will produce a small resistance, the sum of countless resistance is the resistance of the filter, resistance will increase with the increase in airflow and continue to improve, we can reduce the relative wind speed through the filter material by increasing the area of the filter material, reduce the resistance of operation.

III. Dynamic performance

The captured dust will produce a certain additional resistance to the airflow, so the resistance of the filter will keep increasing in the process of use, while the captured dust will also form new obstacles to reduce some filtering resistance.

IV. Service life

Equipment filter media the accumulation of more and more dust when its resistance is also greater, when the resistance value exceeds the preset range, the life of the filter will also be over.

V. Electrostatic effect

If the equipment used in the filter material with static electricity or dust with static electricity, the filtration effect will have a more obvious effect, static electricity can make the dust change the trajectory of movement and hit the obstacles, speeding up the adsorption of speed.

VI. Dust capacity

The weight of dust that a filter can hold under specific test conditions is called the dust holding capacity, and by "specific" here we mean.

1. A standard test wind tunnel and the measuring equipment therein;

2. the "road dust" which is larger than the actual atmospheric dust particles;

3. the test methods and calculations specified in the test standard;

4. the conditions for termination of the test as specified in the test standard.