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Introduction Air Filtration Technology

Introduction Air Filtration Technology

I. Negative ions

1, negative ions can be combined with the air in the soot, dust, and other pollution particles, under the action of gravity to settle, and then be purified;

2, at the same time, can also remove all kinds of electrostatic radiation;

3, the sterilization effect of this technology in general, but the effect of bacterial inhibition is relatively good, but this function is enough because although the strong oxidation can play a good sterilization effect, at the same time will also cause harm to the human body;

4, in the removal of air pollution in the decoration also has a very good role;

II. Plasma

1、Fast and powerful decomposition of benzene, xylene, formaldehyde, ammonia, and various other harmful gas pollutants in the air, reaching a total of 56 kinds;

2, effectively kill airborne bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc., to protect health;

3, in deodorization, smoke, odor, etc. also has a very good role;

4, for the use of indoor appliances, office equipment, etc. generated by static electricity also has a very good control effect;

5、The equipment can increase the content of oxygen while purifying the air;

6, the use of safe and reliable, will not produce any harmful substances, will not cause damage to the human body;

7、Compared with other products of the same type, it saves 80% of electrical energy;

8、No loss of air volume when using, and no need to clean, simple and convenient.