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Installation of filter equipment

Installation of filter equipment

1、Carefully remove the filter according to the method marked on the packaging, it is important to note here that it is only removed when installation is required.
2、Check both sides of the filter carefully before installation to see if there are cracks in the filter media if the separator plate is damaged if the packaging is tightly connected to the outer frame if the gasket is connected to the outer frame and all other aspects.
3、when installing the filter, be sure to pay attention to the vertical direction of placement, in the bottom to retain the appropriate thickness, to help determine the location of the filter during installation, here also need to pay attention to, if the installation is the wrong direction, it is easy to cause the weight of the adsorbed materials to continue to accumulate, thus leading to a decline in the efficiency of the filter, and the use of life is also shortened.
4、If the filter is installed horizontally, attention should be paid to the direction of airflow and the direction of the filter, and the direction of the filter should be adjusted appropriately to reduce the phenomenon of turbulent airflow to a large extent.
The separation plate should be placed in the direction of the air entering the filtering equipment, and should not be placed in a position that crosses the direction of the steam.
5、The filter should be placed evenly over the opening. Particular care should be taken when operating this step, which can be done with more than one person, taking care not to touch the filter media and separator plate with your fingers.
6、Fix and press the nuts in the equipment to make the pressure distribution on the filter screen more even. Use a certain amount of force to press the washers down to half the height without pressure when installing.
7、The pressure drop of each component at ambient temperature should be recorded during installation so that a comparison can be made if blockages occur later.

After following the seven steps above, the installation is complete and all that needs to be done afterward is to check the filter regularly for leaks.
The method of testing varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, but it is important to note here that the efficiency of the recirculation filter does not need to be tested.
The usual method used is to test in an oven at high temperatures, as follows: a sample of air is taken using a heat exchanger and placed in a particle counter, and another method is to judge the test at ambient temperature.