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How to test a cleanroom

How to test a cleanroom

For the role of the clean room in the production process, I believe we all know, but you may not know, before we use the clean room first to carry out certain tests on it, the following we will look at the method of testing the clean room!

I. Air supply and exhaust air volume

This is a basic test item, if it is a turbulent clean room, then we should measure the air supply and exhaust air volume; if it is a one-way flow clean room, then as long as the measurement of its wind speed can be.

II. Airflow between areas

This is a test to prove the correct direction of airflow between areas, i.e. the flow from clean areas to areas of poor cleanliness, which includes

1. Whether the differential pressure between the areas is correct.

2. Whether the direction of airflow movement is correct at the doorway of the clean room or the opening of the wall or floor, etc.

III. Leak detection of filters

This is for the high-efficiency filter in the clean room, the content of the test includes:

1. Whether there is damage to the filter.

2. Whether there is a gap between the filter and the outer frame.

3. Whether other parts of the filter installation intrude into the room, etc.

IV. Isolation leak detection

This is a test to prove that suspended contaminants from outside do not enter the clean room through the building materials.

V. Indoor airflow control

The airflow control test is based on the airflow pattern of the clean room (turbulent or unidirectional), if it is turbulent then it must be proven that there is no area of insufficient airflow; if it is a unidirectional clean room then it must be proven that the indoor air speed and direction are by the design requirements.

VI. Suspended particle concentration and microbial concentration

This is the next test, if all the tests we have described above are met, then the particle concentration and microbial concentration will need to be measured to prove that they meet the technical conditions of the cleanroom design.