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How to replace a broken high-efficiency filter in a high efficiency air intake?

How to replace a broken high-efficiency filter in a high efficiency air intake?

    According to the specifications and the number of new high-efficiency filters, check the outer packaging of the high-efficiency filter should be complete, with no damage, whether the certificate of conformity is complete, the outer frame should be strong and durable, the filter paper is not damaged, remove the outer packaging and put it in a clean place, the inner packaging should be kept intact before installation.
    When replacing part of the high-efficiency filter in the clean area, clean the static pressure box of the high-efficiency filter with a clean rag, then open the inner package of the high-efficiency filter, paste the sealing strip to the air inlet side of the shoulder-effect filter, and smoothly put the high-efficiency filter into the static pressure box, pay attention to the handling and record the specification model, number and installation position of the high-efficiency filter. When fixing the filter, check that the filter is in the middle of the static pressure box, and the distance between the filter part and the surrounding area of the static pressure box is quite high, and the fixing parts should be fixed at an angle to prevent uneven force or damage to the filter. The fixed mother in the static pressure box should be screwed tightly so that the connection between the high-efficiency over-vaporizer and the static pressure box seals the anastomosis. Then open the air-conditioning unit, ventilation of the system, open the high-efficiency filter inner packaging, according to the above steps for replacement.
    After installing the high-efficiency filter, run the system and check for air leakage. When air leakage is found, do the following: tighten the fixings or replace the seals and reinstall them, and if the high-efficiency filter itself leaks, you need to replace it with a new high-efficiency filter. Next, install the high-efficiency filter panel, when installing, connect the original marked direction of installation, the panel, and the connection of the canopy to minimize the empty yard, to prevent the accumulation of dust. After the installation of a high-efficiency over-reducer, there should be re-environmental testing, and verification, for the next determination of the high-efficiency filter scrapped to provide a very reliable basis.