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How to properly maintain air filtration equipment

How to properly maintain air filtration equipment

The use of the same time we must not forget the maintenance of these devices and maintenance, so as not to affect normal use, today we will take a look at how to properly maintain the air filtration equipment!

1, often clean the filter, the cleaning cycle is generally 2 - 3 weeks once, follow certain steps: remove the equipment panel, pull out the filter, cleaning the filter, the cleaning method is to place the filter under the tap for rinsing, remember not to use more than 40 ℃ hot water, to avoid shrinkage, deformation of the phenomenon. After the cleaning is complete, shake the water off the filter and reload it.

2. Protect the heat sink, which is made of a 0.15mm aluminum sleeve and expanded into a copper tube, and cannot be collided with, if damaged it will directly affect the working effect of the equipment and make it less efficient.

3, choose the right fuse (fuse), by the product specification of the current to choose the fuse specifications, too large or too small is not suitable, otherwise, it will affect the use of equipment, or even cause damage.

4. Prevent the electrical system in the equipment from getting damp, if it gets damp it is easy to leak, so the parts of these systems must not get water, especially in the rainy season.

5, often check whether the contact between the power supply and the socket of the equipment is good, there is no loose or off phenomenon.

6. Pay attention to the use of equipment running sounds, when you hear running noises, such as metal collision sound, shell vibration sound, etc., this time should immediately shut down and check the cause, and never continue to use, it to avoid greater harm.

7. The external surface of the equipment should also be wiped frequently, especially the part of the panel. The correct method is to clean the dusting process with a long brush every six months for the external parts. The correct method is to clean the external parts with a long brush every six months. And every year the movement should be removed and filled with the appropriate oil.

8. For condensers and other equipment installed outdoors, the work of removing dust should be carried out every 1 - 2 months, and even when they are not in use, the water stored in the condenser should be drained to prevent the phenomenon of freezing and cracking of the equipment.