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How to manage a clean room
How to manage a clean room
I. Tools and products needed for clean rooms: special hoovers, clean paper, dust-free cloths, deionized water, alcohol, buckets, mops, and special buckets for mops, etc.

II, the requirements for clean room cleaning

1、When cleaning the interior walls, special dust-free cloths should be used;

2, when configuring the cleaning agent, 90% deionized water and 10% isopropyl alcohol should be used;

3. The bins in the workshop and preparation room should be checked daily and cleaned in time;

4、The vacuuming of the floor should also be done every day;

5、All doors in the clean room should be checked and cleaned every day;

6、Don't forget to vacuum and wipe under the raised floor;

7、The pillars and support columns under the raised floor are generally wiped once every three months;

8, cleaning time to pay attention from the top down to wipe, from far from the door to the direction of the door wipe.

III, the clean room cleaning steps

1, before entering the clean room, first of all, we should change the special clothing, wear a good hat, mask, etc., after the blowing of the air shower room to enter;

2、Cleaning tools and supplies should be placed in the prescribed place, and then start cleaning work;

3、When cleaning up the rubbish on the ground, it should be done one by one according to the arrangement of the production line from inside to outside;

4、Dump the bins according to the specified time and carry out a uniform inspection;

5、The glass, walls, shelves, etc. in the clean room should be cleaned in the order from top to bottom;

6、Use the special clean dust push to carefully push the dust and cleaning work on the ground from inside to outside, if there is rubbish, stains, water stains, etc. on the ground, we should clean it in time;

7、Use the clean room staff break time to clean the ground under the production line, workbench, and chairs promptly;

8, for the ceiling, air conditioning vents, overhead lights, and under the floor should also be regularly cleaned, and arrange to clean the clean room when it is suspended;

9, in the clean room floor waxing time, to be strictly according to the plan, must use anti-static wax;

10、After all the cleaning work is completed, the cleaning supplies should be packed in the designated cleaning room and stored separately from the common tools to avoid cross-contamination.