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How to maintain an air disinfector

How to maintain an air disinfector

During the use of an air disinfector, proper maintenance can extend its service life and ensure its stable performance. The following are some maintenance methods for air disinfectors:
I. Daily cleaning
1. Shell cleaning
- Regularly wipe the shell of the air disinfector with a clean, soft, damp cloth to remove dust and stains on the surface. Avoid using detergents containing corrosive chemicals to avoid damaging the shell material.
- For some stains that are difficult to wipe, you can gently wipe them with a small amount of neutral detergent, and then wipe them clean with a damp cloth.
2. Cleaning the air inlet and outlet
- The air inlet and outlet are prone to accumulate dust and debris, affecting air circulation and disinfection effects. Check the air inlet and outlet at least once a week, and gently clean the dust and debris with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.
- Be careful not to use too much force to avoid damaging internal components. If there are stubborn stains, you can wipe them with a damp cloth dipped in a small amount of neutral detergent, and then wipe them dry with a dry cloth.
2. Filter maintenance
1. Check the filter status regularly
- Different types of air disinfectors may be equipped with different filters, such as HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, etc. Check the status of the filter regularly to see if it is damaged, blocked, or discolored.
- If the filter is damaged or blocked, it should be replaced in time to ensure the normal operation of the air disinfector.
2. Replace the filter
- According to the instruction manual of the air disinfector, understand the replacement cycle of the filter. Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of HEPA filters is 3 to 6 months, and the replacement cycle of activated carbon filters is 1 to 3 months.
- When the filter usage time reaches the replacement cycle or there is a significant performance degradation, the original filter should be purchased in time for replacement. When replacing the filter, pay attention to the operating steps in the manual to ensure correct installation.
3. Disinfection component maintenance
1. UV lamp maintenance
- If the air disinfector uses ultraviolet disinfection technology, check the working status of the UV lamp regularly. Observe whether the lamp is emitting light normally, flickering, or extinguishing.
- The service life of the UV lamp is generally 8000 to 10000 hours. When the lamp is close to or exceeds the service life, it should be replaced in time. When replacing the lamp, make sure that the new lamp is consistent with the original lamp and install it correctly.

2. Plasma generator maintenance
- For air disinfection machines using plasma disinfection technology, the working status of the plasma generator should be checked regularly. Observe whether there is abnormal noise, unstable discharge, etc.
- If the plasma generator is found to be faulty, contact professional maintenance personnel for inspection or replacement in time.
IV. Functional inspection
1. Disinfection effect inspection
- The disinfection effect of the air disinfection machine can be checked regularly by using an air quality detector or observing the indicator light of the air disinfection machine. If the disinfection effect is found to be reduced, the filter, disinfection components, etc. should be checked in time to see if they are working properly.
- You can also judge whether there is still odor in the air by smelling, etc., to evaluate the performance of the air disinfection machine.
2. Operation status check
- Regularly check the operation status of the air disinfector, including the noise level, whether the wind speed is normal, whether the control panel is sensitive, etc. If any abnormal situation is found, the cause should be promptly investigated and handled.
- Pay attention to whether the air disinfector has abnormal heating, odor, etc. during operation. If so, stop using it immediately and contact professional maintenance personnel for inspection and repair.
V. Storage precautions
1. Clean and dry storage
- When the air disinfector is not used for a long time, it should be cleaned and maintained first and then stored in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated place. Avoid storage in a humid, high-temperature, direct sunlight, or corrosive gas environment.
- The air disinfector can be wrapped with a dust cover or plastic bag to prevent dust and debris from entering.
2. Regular power-on operation
- If the air disinfector is stored for a long time, it is recommended to power it on for some time every once in a while (such as 1 to 2 months) to maintain the activity and performance of the internal components. The operating time can be adjusted according to the type of air disinfector and the instruction manual.
In short, the correct maintenance method can ensure that the air disinfection machine always maintains good performance and disinfection effect. During the maintenance process, if you encounter a problem that you cannot solve yourself, you should contact a professional maintenance person in time for processing.