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How to maintain a HEPA filter?

How to maintain a HEPA filter?

In the field of air purification, high-efficiency filters play a vital role. They can effectively remove pollutants such as tiny particles, bacteria, and viruses in the air to create a clean environment for us. However, many people may wonder, since the high-efficiency filter is so powerful, why does it need maintenance?
First of all, let's explain this question. Although the high-efficiency filter has a high filtration efficiency, it will gradually accumulate impurities such as dust and particulate matter during long-term use. Taking a clean room with an area of ​​100 square meters as an example, if there is a certain flow of personnel and equipment operation every day, the high-efficiency filter may accumulate a considerable amount of impurities in about a month. When impurities accumulate to a certain extent, it will affect the ventilation performance of the filter, resulting in a decrease in wind speed, which in turn affects the efficiency of the entire air purification system. In addition, if it is not maintained in time, bacteria and mold on the filter will also breed, which may cause secondary pollution to the indoor air quality.
So, how to maintain the high-efficiency filter? Here are a few ways.
1. Regular inspection. It is recommended to conduct an appearance inspection of the high-efficiency filter once a month to check whether there is damage, deformation, etc. At the same time, professional testing equipment, such as dust particle counters, can be used to detect changes in air quality before and after the filter to determine whether the filter efficiency has decreased. If problems are found, the filter should be replaced in time.
2. Correct installation and replacement. When installing a high-efficiency filter, be sure to strictly follow the operating procedures to ensure that it is firmly installed and well-sealed. When the filter needs to be replaced, choose a product with the same model and reliable quality as the original filter. Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of a high-efficiency filter is 3 to 6 months, but the specific time depends on the actual use.
3. Maintain a clean environment. Minimize the sources of dust and pollutants in the clean room, such as regularly cleaning the floor and equipment. At the same time, control the entry and exit of personnel to avoid bringing in too much dust.
In short, although the high-efficiency filter is powerful, it also needs regular maintenance to ensure that it always maintains good filtering performance and provides us with a healthy and clean environment.