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How to judge whether the air filter needs to be replaced?

How to judge whether the air filter needs to be replaced?

1. Under normal use, when the final resistance of the air filter is 2-3 times the initial resistance, the air filter should be replaced. Because the air filter will form resistance to the airflow, and the air filter will accumulate dust, the resistance will increase. When the resistance increases to the specified value, its filtration efficiency will be greatly reduced, so it needs to be replaced.
2. When the cleanliness of the clean area is tested daily, the data tested should meet the design requirements of the clean workshop. If it does not meet the requirements, the air filter should be scanned immediately and the sealing performance of the system should be checked. If the air filter leaks, it should be filled with glue or replaced.
3. When the air filtration system is used again after being stopped for a long time, the air filters in the clean room should be fully scanned and the sealing performance of the system should be checked. If there is leakage or damage, it should be replaced immediately.
4. Because the risks and indirect costs of replacing the terminal air filter will be high, the best way to extend the service life of the air filter is to replace the air filter regularly.