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How to Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally
Nobody would like to live in a poor environment with odors smells indoor. It is common that people would like to live in a better environment with good air quality. But not all the people can achieve this, here in this article, we would like to talk about some tips to improve indoor air quality naturally. Following is the detail for your reference. Let's move on.

Plants are very good at purifying the air indoor, they can absorb carbon dioxide, VOC, chemicals and many other air pollutant indoor, and they can release fresh oxygen into the houses. So many people in the city prefer to get some plants for their house. They will be helpful to remove away some air pollutant.

Activated carbon is another way to absorb odors and chemical gases in the house. It has millions of tiny pores in the substance to absorb a great amount of air pollutants. Of course, it can not filter out the fine particles, but it do a good favor to remove away odors in the house.

Another natural way to improve indoor air quality is opening the windows for ventilation. Keep the windows open, then the outside air can flow into the house and bring out the indoor air pollutant, however, if you live close to the industries and heavy road, then opening the window may not be a good choice for you.

If you want to improve the indoor air quality effectively, then an air purifier with a HEPA filter will be the best choice for you as it can remove away fine particle around 0.3 um. It is very effective.