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How to correctly select the filter material in the fine filtration equipment?

How to correctly select the filter material in the fine filtration equipment?

I. Process performance

To increase the effective area and reduce the resistance of airflow, we can fold the filter material into a corrugated shape, which is equivalent to improving its process performance, and the folding resistance is also a good improvement for the filtration effect.
In addition, we know that the process performance of poor materials is often damaged once folded, resulting in a decline in filtration, increased costs, and will affect the performance of the entire equipment.

II. Mechanical strength

No matter where the production of filtration materials is commonly used cross-linking agents and resin-based binders enhance the strength, through cross-linking agents and linear resin, glass fibers in the group reaction with each other or the cross-linking agent itself reaction method, these methods can further improve the mechanical strength of the material.

And we all know that the fine filter for the mechanical strength of the material requirements is very high, even the vertical and horizontal strength differences are the smaller the better, so there is enough strength of the filter material, whether in the production, transportation, storage or use of the process for the stability of the equipment is very helpful.

III. Waterproof and fireproof performance

In some demanding production occasions, the fine filter material should also have special properties such as waterproof and fireproof, otherwise, in some humid and high-temperature conditions will lead to a decline in the effect, and the overall structure is also easy to be destroyed, so it is very important to choose a filter material with good waterproof and fireproof performance.