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How to choose the right bag filter media by different properties?

How to choose the right bag filter media by different properties?


Generally speaking, the permeability of the filter media is enough to reflect its resistance in operation, it also affects the working strength of the filter equipment as well as the pressure difference, and the permeability can also be calculated in many ways.

2、Regeneration capacity

In the process of using filtration equipment, there will always be a small amount of pollution impurities clogged in the pores of the media, which we can flush after each working procedure to remove these polluting particles from the surface of the media and the pores to maintain the filtration performance of the media. The regeneration performance of the equipment mainly depends on the structure of the filter media, composition and processing technology, etc.

3、Physical and mechanical properties

The physical and mechanical properties of the filter media mainly include moisture absorption, abrasion resistance, mechanical strength, and so on, which will affect the filtration performance of the media and service life, so different structures of the equipment for the media's physical and mechanical performance requirements are also slightly different.

4、Chemical stability

Filtration equipment deals with a variety of substances, there is acid, alkaline, strong oxidation, and a variety of organic solvents, etc., so we are concerned about the chemical properties of the filter media is also stable, so we need to choose the filter media according to the different use of the performance to determine. Just for example, polypropylene fiber has very good acid resistance, alkali resistance, and oxidant resistance; polyethylene-based fiber is very stable to acid and alkali solutions at a certain temperature; polyester material has very good acid resistance.

5、Capture ability

The so-called trapping capacity refers to the size of small particles that can be intercepted by the filter media, and the trapping capacity of the filter media is also dependent on the size of the pores of the media itself and the distribution of the situation.