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How to buy FFU correctly?

How to buy FFU correctly?

I. Noise control. FFU fans generally have several or even dozens of parallel uses, when the design should consider the superposition of noise, non-unidirectional flow clean room should not be greater than 55dB, unidirectional flow, mixed flow clean room should not be greater than 60dB requirements. Therefore, in the selection of fans, a good choice of high-performance, pressure out of the type, direct drive after radial blade fan, which can also reduce the overall noise.
II. Fan shell. In the choice of FFU fan shell structure, there are many things to consider, Because the product with more, we have to carry out disinfection, so we have to consider the disinfectant disinfection with disinfectant machine shell will not produce a bad chemical reaction; Secondly, we have to consider to avoid leakage of the fan and eliminate the transport and handling during the damage brought about; After that is the use of the environment, this is the service life of the fan shell is a very important part. Therefore, a good choice of stainless steel or aluminum alloy material for the shell.
III. The choice of control mode. Currently, on the market most FFUs use DC motors, three-way multi-speed AC motors, and one-way multi-speed AC motors, the supply voltage is 110V, 220V, 270V, and 380V four. So the control mode is mainly divided into the following types:
1. Remote control. The system, as a supplement to the computer control method, can use the remote control to control each fan unit, which complements the computer control method.
2. Multi-speed switch control. the FFU is installed with a switch to control the speed and a power switch to realise the control of the FFU. The structure is relatively simple, stable speed regulation, and low cost.
3. Infinitely adjustable speed control, FFU infinitely adjustable control, and multi-speed switch control mode compared to a continuous speed regulator, so that the FFU fan speed is continuously adjustable, but also sacrificed the efficiency of the motor, so that its energy consumption than the multi-speed switch control mode is also high.
4. Computer group control. Easy to control, can be speed regulation, can achieve more complex applications, with a cluster control, can achieve the centralized control and monitoring of FFU; can achieve the different systems of FFU sub-district system control, and can achieve the monitoring of a single FFU, and this method also has the effect of energy saving.