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How to accept the clean room?

How to accept the clean room?

I. Preparation before testing
1. Before the test clean the booth and its supporting equipment, especially the air filter unit FFU clean.
2. Testing equipment preparation: cleanliness testing equipment - particle counter; noise testing equipment - noise meter; wind speed testing equipment - anemometer; pressure value testing equipment - pressure tester.
II. Test content
1. The cleanliness test is a clean booth acceptance test of the top priority. Light scattering particle counter should be used on the fan filter set of the high-efficiency filter leakage test. Firstly, determine the number of dust particles in the static pressure box or air duct of 0.5μ on the upwind side of the high-efficiency filter ≥ 30,000 particles/liter, if it is not enough, you can introduce smoke for leakage detection. The specific method is to place the sampling port of the particle counter or leakage detection device 2-3 cm away from the high-efficiency filter, move at a speed of 2~4cm/s, and scan the entire section of the high-efficiency filter at the sealing and mounting frame. When the particle counter reading ≥ 5μ dust particles of more than 3 particles/decilitre or permeability greater than 0.01 per thousand can be identified as a significant leakage, and need to be plugged.
2. Total air volume, total return air volume, new air volume, exhaust air volume
3. Clean booth pressure value
4. Clean booth clean area cleanliness
5. Clean booth indoor temperature, humidity, noise, etc.