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How often should you change your air filter?

How often should you change your air filter?

With the rapid development of the economy, whether it is commercial buildings, production workshops, or residential houses, they are all important places for people to live. The air environment is closely related to people's healthy life, and it is also the focus of people's attention in the 21st-century environment.
How to ensure the cleanliness of the air environment in commercial buildings, production workshops, and residential areas to provide customers and your staff with safe entertainment or working places?
Perhaps we have taken a series of protective measures for this, installed air filtration systems, purchased primary, medium, high, and ultra-high efficiency filters, and are running.
However, 82% of people forget to maintain the fresh air system and do not change the air filter regularly. This can cause countless problems that affect the HVAC system and your health.
Therefore, the question - how often should you clean or replace your HVAC air filter?
As you may have guessed, the answer may vary depending on the type of space you use and other factors in your work environment.
Read on to learn about how often to change air filters in your building, store, or even restaurant.
1. How often should you change your air filter?
Of course, how often you need to change your commercial air filter depends on many different factors.
You need to consider the environment in which your air filtration system is used - a commercial building, a production workshop, or a residential home. How many people are in these use spaces, any chemicals or allergens that frequently interact with them, and even the types of things you produce in them?
Below, let's take a look at the replacement time of air filters in common commercial spaces.
1. Office Building
If you are in a standard office building environment, how often should you change your air filters?
In most cases, regularly replace filters about three to four times a year. If there are more people in the same environment, or the people working for you have weak immune systems or allergies, you may need to change them more frequently.
In an ordinary office environment, pollutants such as simple odors, dust, pollen, hair, and even fibers from clothing can still affect your air quality. Even dead skin particles dropped by the human body can cause poor air quality in the office.
If you notice that your team members are constantly sniffling or taking sick leave in the office, you should be aware that the filters in the office environment need maintenance.
2. Industrial facilities or factories
If you work in an industrial facility or factory environment, you should be aware that you need to frequently replace the air filters in your filtration system.
Industrial facilities or factories are typical types of heavily polluted spaces. In the production process, a large number of industrial particulate pollutants are inevitably generated. These particulates include aerosols, chemical particles, dust particles, smoke, etc., which cause serious physical and mental health problems to the human body. If they are not taken seriously, they will cause the human body to be susceptible to serious diseases or even death in the long run. Therefore, this is also the type of space where you need to pay close attention to the correct replacement and maintenance of air filters. 3. Restaurants or canteens If you are in the catering industry, you need to comply with strict regulations on hygiene, which is also the national requirement for the opening of catering. In the catering industry, you always need to spend a lot of time keeping food and tableware clean and hygienic. However, if the filtration system in the restaurant cannot filter or effectively filter pollutants normally, then the dirt or ash layer scattered around will spread all over the entire space of the restaurant, and all the work you do is a waste of time. Therefore, you should regularly check the restaurant's filtration system every four to six weeks and clean or replace the air filter. We strongly recommend checking the filters at the end of each week to see if they are functioning properly or if there is any serious debris to ensure the cleanliness of the restaurant or cafeteria.
If in doubt, consult a professional organization for help. At the same time, you should also ask them if there is a better ventilation system solution when preparing food in a commercial kitchen.
4. Boutique or pet store
If you are the owner of a smaller boutique or pet store.
Based on our company's years of research on air ventilation systems, it is generally necessary to replace commercial air filters every twelve weeks.
At the same time, you also need to consider the operation of the store, such as personnel flow, air pollution level, number of pets, and other factors.
If you don't want your pets to be uncomfortable due to air pollution, or because the store's air is not fresh and customers are unwilling to come to buy goods, then close the store.
Remember that when you feel the above situation, it may be because the air filter is clogged and dirty.
2. Replace commercial air filters: Summary
We hope that this article will give you a better understanding of the question "How often should you change your air filter?"
Remember that how often you change your air filter usually depends on what you do in the commercial space and the environment you are in. At the same time, it is also affected by the type of filter you use.
Looking to invest in the ideal commercial air filter for your business? We can provide you with the most professional selection.