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How long does it take to replace the primary and high efficiency filters in a clean room?

How long does it take to replace the primary and high efficiency filters in a clean room?

To ensure the production quality of the product and the suitability of the working environment of the personnel, a clean room in the environment of humidity, temperature, fresh air volume, status, illumination, and so on has strict regulations. The general clean room will be equipped with a set of primary, high-efficiency filter air purification systems, used to control the number of dust particles in the clean area, as well as the number of settled bacteria and bacterial plankton, etc., as the end of the filtration devices, high-efficiency filters to determine the operating effect of the entire purification system, so for the high-efficiency filters to grasp the time of replacement is very important.

The following points can be used as a reference for the replacement standard of high-efficiency filters:

I. In the clean room, the high-efficiency filter should accurately record the operating time, while the clean room clean grade and air volume for the replacement of the number of times based on the normal use of high-efficiency filters, the service life of high-efficiency filters can generally be up to one year or more, such as the front-end protection to do a good job, high-efficiency filters, the service life of high-efficiency filters can be up to two years or more, but of course, depending on the quality of high-efficiency air filter good or bad.

II. The high-efficiency filter installed in the purification equipment, such as the high-efficiency filter in the air shower room, the high-efficiency filter on the purification bench, we can replace the high-efficiency filter through the differential pressure table prompted by the product; such as the high-efficiency filter on the clean room, through the high-efficiency air filter detection wind speed to determine the optimal time for the replacement of air filters, such as high-efficiency air filters on the FFU fan filtration unit set. For the replacement of a high-efficiency air filter on the FFU fan filtration unit, it is replaced through the prompts in the intelligent control system or the prompts in the differential pressure meter.

III. In the clean room equipment without differential pressure table conditions, can be based on the following ways to choose whether to change:

1) Look at the air filter upstream and downstream side of the color of the filter media, such as the wind surface of the filter media color black should be considered for replacement;

2) Gently touch the air filter outlet side of the filter media with your hand, such as more dust on your hand needs to be replaced;

3) Make a corresponding record of each replacement date of the high-efficiency filter in the clean room, and check and replace it according to the record form;

High-efficiency filters in normal use, 1 ~ 2 years to replace once, but this data varies greatly. Still should be combined with the actual regular inspection and timely replacement to ensure the normal operation of the clean room.