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How do high efficiency air filters improve air quality?

How do high efficiency air filters improve air quality?

High-efficiency air filter interception role is strong, there are many suspended particles in the air, and repeatedly bumping into each other will occur Van der Waals force, so once encountered with the filter media, they will be stuck, once the volume of bonding becomes large, the particles will sink, control the concentration of dust in the air, not only that, many filters can also produce inertia or dispersion, assuming that the placement of the fiber structure is very If the placement of the fibers is very confusing, it will allow the direction of airflow to change, and once the inertia is in place, the impact will be more pronounced and will reduce air pollution.

The V-shaped channel formed by the filter is more conducive to improving the uniformity of dust containment, extending the life of the air filter and, as the filter does not use metal parts, it is easier to dispose of the exhaust air at the end of its life, thus being more environmentally friendly.