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How A High-Efficiency Air Filter Could Save Your Life

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), PM is created from a variety of sources such as vehicle exhaust emissions, power plant emissions, coal-burning and wood stoves. (3) Long-term exposure to PM has been linked to eye irritation, difficulty breathing, lung cancer, and heart disease.

The new standard measures how well air filters trap PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 levels, so unlike previous standards, there are only three size ranges and three pollutants being measured.
The 10, 2.5 and 1 designations refer to the diameter of particulate matter in micrometers, and these three sizes are the most harmful because their microscopic size makes them easy to swallow or inhale.

“The new ISO 16890 standard is a game-changer for the air filtration industry,” stated Kevin Wood, Camfil USA Vice President Sales & Marketing. “Until this point, there had never been a global standard for high-efficiency air filters. Therefore, air filter consumers could not decide which filter was superior, because different countries were operating under different standards. With ISO 16890, consumers can make valid comparisons between air filters, especially since PM remains the biggest health threat to indoor air quality.”


Particulate Matter Prevention Methods

The fact that high-efficiency air filters are now being measured based on PM is important because these pollutants pose the biggest risk to human health.

Some of the PM prevention methods you can take include:
Checking the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Air Quality Index – this is a daily listing that tells you the air quality in your area, and how harmful it could be, especially to people with respiratory problems such as asthma.

Limit outdoor activities on days when PM levels are elevated.
Limit the time you spend on busy streets to lower your exposure to vehicle emissions.
Invest in high-efficiency air filters using the ISO Standard to ensure you are removing the most harmful particles of concern.