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Hospital high efficiency filters play an important role in air purification

Hospital high efficiency filters play an important role in air purification

Hospital high-efficiency filters were applied to the air supply filtration of the production plant, before the real birth of the modern significance of the hospital clean room, clean room (area) air containing dust concentration and bacteria, divided into four levels: 100 levels, 10000 levels, 100000 levels, 300000 levels.

Hospital, clean room (area) air purification treatment should generally take the primary, medium, sub-high efficiency, or high-efficiency air filter three-level filtration, the primary air filter is generally easy to clean and replace the coarse, medium-porous foam or other filter media, used for fresh air filtration.

Medium efficiency air filters generally use medium and fine porous foam plastic or other fiber media filters for filtering fresh air and return air, to extend the service life of high-efficiency air filters.

Sub-high efficiency air filters have filters with glass fiber filter paper and cotton staple fiber filter paper, mainly used for filtering dust particles smaller than 5um.

Hospital high-efficiency filters have filters of glass fiber filter paper, asbestos fiber filter paper, synthetic fiber filter paper, and other three types of filter media, mainly used for filtering dust particles smaller than 1um. A centralized purification air conditioning system should be used in independent clean rooms, and the air purification conditioning system should be designed with a reasonable air supply and return air outlets.

After the installation of the hospital high-efficiency filter needs to be leak detected, the place of cleanroom air supply outlet also includes the roof and air supply wall, a single air filter, the air volume through the filter should be measured before leak detection, and the airspeed should be designed between eighty percent and one hundred and two percent. If a single unit is used at the end, it can be scanned for leaks at the joints between the filter media and the frame and the frame and mounting skeleton.